Did you know that over a quarter of SME’s say the cost of energy is a limiting factor of the success and growth of their business?
By using energy efficiency measures, SMEs could see savings of more than 20% in under 2 years, the majority coming from zero capital cost.
We know how important profits are for small and medium businesses, trying to reduce as much wastage as possible, whether it’s money, energy or time. So, with this guide, we provide some easy, stress-free actions your business can take to get you saving.
Office Equipment
Office equipment can be a huge energy waster, with printers, computers and appliances being the culprits. However, by following our simple steps, you can start to cut down on energy wastage and begin to improve efficiency.
With over 45% of the electricity used by businesses is used outside of their normal operating times, a great place to start is by turning off equipment that isn’t being used.
Make sure your employees set their screen brightness to the correct level. By optimising brightness, you can save energy, as well as reducing eye strain | At the end of the day, turn off any equipment that isn’t being used. Machines that are communal such as printers and coffee machines could be switched off. |
If a member of staff is away from the computer for more than 10 minutes, have them switch the screen off. This is an easy way to reduce energy wastage. | For office equipment that is used infrequently, only turn on the machine when needed. Another method could be setting them to sleep when inactive. |
For energy 1 degree increase in temperature, costs may rise by 8%. This small increase can cause a huge spike in your energy bills. Usually, thermostats are forgotten about, but by putting some of our tips into place, you can start to see savings.
Make sure controls are not messed with. Select a member of the team to be responsible for the controls of the thermostat to avoid changes. | For out of office hours, weekends and bank holidays, ensure the settings are different. For the times when no one is around, you may be wasting energy. |
Timers should be set at the correct time and date, especially when the clocks change. Set a note in your calendar to change the settings for time changes. | The recommended setting is 19° for offices, with lower temperatures for corridors and storerooms. Anything higher could be wastage. |
Lighting is important for every business. However, for most SME’s, it is usually the most energy-intensive part. On average, more than 35% of electricity use comes from lighting. By applying these small steps, you may see significant changes to your energy bills.
A simple step you can make is by labelling switches. This makes it clear and obvious what each switch does, making sure no lights are unnecessarily used. | Whoever is last to leave should be responsible for turning all the lights out. Leaving the lights on during unoccupied hours can be wasteful. |
By placing posters and reminders close to switches, you can remind members of staff to turn off lighting when they aren’t needed, creating good habits. | Installing timed lights can be an easy way to save money. They will turn off whenever there is no activity, reducing your energy bills. |
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