Being creative and thinking of a new idea or product can be extremely challenging. However, with some practice and advice, thinking outside the box and coming up with original ideas can become second nature.
Identifying what service or goods people want, or coming up with solutions to everyday problems can be your launchpad.
But what even is an original idea? What are some tips to help come up with good business solutions? How can you protect your plan from being stolen from other entrepreneurs?
This article will answer those questions and more. So, let’s get your thinking cap on!
What Is An Original Idea?
Original ideas can be broken down into two parts, invention and innovation. These are two of the main ways that new ideas and thought of. But what do they both mean, and how can you apply this to your thinking?
Invention is creating something that didn’t exist previously. Think of a robot that can cook any meal you want, that would be an example of an invention because it doesn’t exist.
Innovation is adapting a product over time to make it better and improve the features. This can be changing existing features or adding new and more effective ideas to the product. Innovation can come in many forms, but what remains the same is the likelihood a business will succeed through being innovative.
10 Tips On finding An Original Business Idea
When it comes to finding an original idea, there can be many forms of inspiration that can be used to help discover that plan. It will depend on the individual what works best for them, so we recommend trying them and seeing which one works best for you. So, here are 10 tips for the perfect business plan.
Utilise your skills and talents. | Think about what you’re good at. If you’re not a trained vet, then opening your veterinary surgery mightn’t be the wisest option. So, try focusing on what you’re good at and the skills you already possess. You are more likely to succeed in doing something you’re good at. Let your talents shine. |
Broaden your search. | Sometimes, travel can be a great way to find inspiration. Many successful businesses are launched from finding ideas when abroad, then realising your local area could benefit from it too, or even finding a new way to utilise it. Plus, being away from your natural environment can switch things up and get you out of a stagnant routine. |
See what problems need solving. | If you simply take some time to walk around your home, office or local area, you will likely run into some problems that could be solved or made easier. If it is an issue that can be solved, you might just be able to profit from it. Just taking a moment to look around and be mindful, opportunities and solutions might be staring you in the face. Get out there and see what needs an answer. |
Try meditating. | There are so many amazing tools to help with meditation right now. From apps to online videos and courses, now is the time to start relaxing your mind and taking some time to pause. Allowing yourself some free minutes to clear your head can open up a wide range of creative moments and remove stress and anxiety from your daily routine. |
Do what you enjoy. | What do you like and enjoy? In that category, what are businesses doing well and what are they doing poorly? Find out what can be improved and see if you can provide the solution. If you are a customer yourself, what would you want more from your favourite brands? This could be your idea. |
Write in a journal. | Having a place to record your thoughts, history and feelings can be a useful tool to begin creating. It can provide a place to begin developing strong habits and noting when you feel most innovative. Start today, it doesn’t have to be a novel, just a few words to get started, but try and finish each day with an idea, simply write ‘todays idea’ and follow up with a suggestion. |
Experimenting. | Having that perfect idea can hinder your progress. Wasting months and months trying to make everything just right, then failure. However, this time could have been spent testing ideas that you had on the side, ‘maybe ideas’. Take the first step and get started, you never know what is on the other side. |
Reading books. | Books can be a fantastic place for coming up with ideas and having new thoughts. Adding books to your routine can expand your way of thinking and open up new possibilities and ways of thinking. Fiction books can activate the creative part of your brain and help you to escape the stress of thinking. Even browsing shops for books can provide mental stimulation. |
Sometimes, you don’t have to be too original. | With so many businesses out there, thinking of a new product or service can be incredibly tough. Many successful entrepreneurs waste too much energy trying to break the mould. However, sometimes the best ideas come from making things better, not new. Keep a list of products you find inspiring and think about how you’d make your mark on that industry. This can help you to get closer to your goals. |
Feedback is useful. | Finding a mentor or even just asking family and friends to give you feedback on your idea can be useful. You want criticism because then you can improve and evolve to become better. Keep asking questions and learning from what you learn. |
Is An Idea Enough To Start A Business?
So, good businesses will usually start with a good business idea. True. However, just the idea alone isn’t enough. It needs more than an idea to become successful.
Real life and ideas on paper are different.
Good business plans allow you to finalise the details of your company and nail down the areas that help you make profits.
The figures in your plan may look good, but be warned, things change and these numbers may not be as you’d imagined. Customers may not be as excited, markets can change and costs could add up.
Competition is out there.
You’ve got this amazing idea, but what if there is someone else working on the same product, but better? Researching the market can prevent this from happening, allowing you to get become too invested. Even if you launch and it is successful, remember others will try to compete with you, so keep evolving.
How Can I Protect My Business Ideas?
So, you have your idea, but what stops others from stealing your business plan? After years of hard work, many business owners have concerns that their ideas may be stolen. Is there a way to protect your ideas from being taken?
Document your work. | We spoke before about journalling earlier, this can also be good for protecting your ideas. Write down everything when designing and developing your plans, making sure to save everything. Now, you have proof of concept and documentation to show it. This detailed history of your innovation can be used in court to defend yourself. |
Confidentiality statements. | Confidentiality statements and non-disclosure agreements are ways to protect your ideas before you show them to others. If you are looking for an investment, you may ask investors to sign an NDA before presenting your idea to prevent it from being stolen. |
Copyrights. | If your work is original, then it will be automatically protected through copyright laws. However, the idea has to be something that nobody has had before and it has to be expressed, not just thought about in your creative mind. You’ve likely seen the copyright symbol before (©) and it can be applied to your work. But you don’t actually need to apply it, you will still be protected even if it isn’t shown. Copyrights do expire after a certain time though, so it is recommended to research the rules around your work and the product or idea you want to be protected. |
Applying for a patent. | You can’t patent an idea, however, if your business meets certain criteria, then you can actually patent a method. There are three types, plant patents, design patents and utility patents. The one that will fit your needs will depend on the nature of the idea. When it comes to legally protecting an idea, a patent is usually the first recommendation. |
Trademarking your business. | To protect a business idea, trademarks are sometimes used to provide an added layer of protection as your company name will now be tied to it. Once a trademark is established if legal issues arise you will now have this extra layer of security. When registering a trademark, you are given written proof that the business idea was in development at a given time. These dates can be used in legal issues and disputes, giving pinpoint periods of time when the idea was in use. |