What To Do If An Employee Wants To Leave

What To Do If An Employee Wants To Leave

No business owner wants to hear the news that a team member wants to leave. For small businesses, this could be a stressful time. Remember, it is something that all businesses have to face, however, it doesn’t need to be a disaster.

But can employees actually leave whenever they want? What should you do if employees quit without notice? How can I convince an employee to stay?

These are all common questions asked by business owners and that is why we created this guide. We’ll help you with the initial conversation all the way through to the recommended steps to take if the employee decides to leave. So, let’s take a look.

Can Employees Leave Whenever They Want?

If an employee wants to leave their job in the UK, employers are usually given a warning, known as a notice period. The length of the notice period will be stated in the employment contract.

Meanwhile, for employment contracts that don’t specify what the notice period is, it is recommended to give at least one week’s notice before you leave your role.

This can be done via email or in writing. Your writing should specify the date of your last working day and then, your notice period will begin the day after you have formally resigned.

What Should You Do If An Employee Quits Without Notice?

There should always be a plan in place that prepares you for when an employee wants to leave. When quitting without notice, rather than being taken aback, there are steps to take to ensure you can take on these challenges with a positive outlook. Let’s take a look.

Think about internal promotionsOkay, so there is now a gap in your team. Rather than looking for an external replacement, think about your own employees that could be internally promoted. They will already understand the company and the job role.
Have exit interviews readyFor the person leaving, exit interviews are a fantastic way to gain insights into the feelings around working for your company, as well as any reasons for leaving suddenly. Contact the former employee with a choice of methods for the interview. It shows you care about their reasons for leaving, as well as offboarding efficiently.
Plan an announcementThe rest of your team should be informed of the employee’s departure to the company. You should take a positive approach when making the announcement, wishing them all the best for the future as well as the plan of action moving forwards.
Last pay check informationThere may be a portion of their pay still due from work between payroll periods. For these situations, speak to the employee about the date they can expect to receive their last pay check. You’ll also have to ensure they’re no longer on the payroll for future payments.
Review current workplace proceduresWhen an employee quits without notice, this is a good time to reevaluate and think about your workplace culture. The exit interview will highlight areas to improve, such as employees’ experience and workplace satisfaction.

How Do You Handle The Initial Conversation When An Employee Wants To Quit?

This is an overwhelming time for business owners as relationships are made in the workplace, often feeling like friendship. For small businesses, this is especially difficult as the relationship can be even closer.

It is becoming more common in recent years. On average, employees spend five years or less in each job, so for business owners, this is a frequent occurrence. Even though you want to do everything to keep employees happy, people will still leave.

Often, there is nothing you could have done to avoid it, so don’t blame or in any other way make the employee feel bad for leaving.

When making the initial conversation, it is okay to express your sadness of losing a valuable employee, however, you should next say you understand and are happy for them in their deserved new opportunity.

Next, try to gather some information that will be useful for the future of the company. Without being too intrusive, get clear details for the reasons they left the company. Identify ant ways of convincing them to stay (more details later on how to do this).

If you are unsuccessful, find out when they are planning to leave and ask if they have told others in the workplace. Ask them to try and hold off for a few days until you have an announcement ready.

How Do You Convince An Employee To Stay?

As a business owner, finding staff that you can count on is a huge challenge. Then, another task of keeping employees happy so that they make your company the best place it can be. But if they want to leave, how can you convince them to stay? Below are some tips to follow.

Highlight their effortsA simple well done can go a long way. Recognising the efforts of your employees and letting them know what a great job they’ve done is one of the most effective things you can do to keep your employees engaged and happy. Not only will it make them feel better about themselves, but also inspire them to keep working harder and acknowledge they’re an invaluable part of your organisation.
Good communicationCommunication is key. Often, employees will feel like there is a lack of support from those higher up, leading to employees leaving a job or company. To combat this, your employees should be told how valuable they are and that you are available to support them. No matter what, you should be approachable. Think about implementing “on-call” hours. Your employees now have a set time where they can talk about important matters.
Consider increased control and flexibilityEspecially in the current climate, flexibility is important. You need to give your employees more control over their experience at work. Be willing to discuss schedule needs with staff to give them the opportunity of working more efficiently. Being transparent shows that you respect their role in your company and that you value their input.
Challenge themBecoming bored leads to reduced productivity and standards begin to decrease. It is a fine line between challenging your employees and keeping them happy. You want to give them enough mental stimulation to continue to learn while being efficient at key tasks and not becoming bored. Have regular checkups to see how they are dealing with their workload and if possible, discuss growth opportunities and additional responsibilities. This will show your trust in the employee’s abilities. to take on new tasks.
Reward developmentWhether it is taking on additional shifts or expanding into an entirely new role, offer up extra motivations to keep employees happy. By displaying rewards, you’ll show that you’re invested in their future and that you care about their goals. This will add to the business, making everyone feel more valued and respected.

Tips To Reduce The Number Of Employees Quitting Without Notice

No one wants employees to quit, especially leaving without notice. It can create a reduced workload, create tensions and cost the business a lot of money to replace them. So, how do you prevent this? Take a look at the tips below.

Increase Performance Meetings

Monthly check-ins with employees should be a standard set up in your workplace. Spend some time with employees individually and go over some of the positive work they have done.

Highlight the good work and praise them for it. Then, allow time for employees to speak about any issues or problems they have. Encourage them to be open and honest, then create solutions to re-motivate them.

Create Reward programs

Reward and incentive programs can build motivation among employees as there is something to work towards and look forward to. This can be as simple as a gift card or extra vacation days for meeting certain targets.

As a whole, think about some team rewards, such as a company trip. If everyone pulls together and works hard and reaches the target, spirits are lifted and bonds are created. This helps to recognise their efforts and appreciate their work.

Anonymous Feedback

A platform for anonymous feedback is an opportunity for employees to give their concerns or troubles without the feeling of being judged. This will build a better workplace for everyone and reduce the risk of people leaving.

You can then identify reoccurring feedback, address them, make changes or ask for suggestions during meetings. This is a great way to monitor the work environment as well as show employees you care and give them hope for future changes.

Exit Interview Results

As mentioned earlier, exit interviews are a great tool for developing your company. You can learn first-hand any ways to improve your workplace and address their concerns.

Keep a note of all exit interviews, allowing you to look back and reflect on previous meetings. You can then gauge how much progress you have made since then, noticing any trends that have occurred since.