How to Create a Job advert

How to Create a Job advert

The complete guide to creating the perfect job advert 2021.

With so much competition out there, recruitment has never been a bigger challenge. People are spending less time at companies and with more choice than ever, employees want more than just a job.

They come in all different shapes and sizes, various forms of media and colour schemes. However, to make sure your advert stands out, there are some rules to follow. The main task is to ensure it will attract candidates who fit your job.

But how can I write the perfect job advert? How do I structure one? What are things I should avoid when creating a job advert?

In this guide, we will cover all you need to know. So, let’s get creative.

What Do I Need To Include?

In each section of your job advert, it is important to include key information. It can be easy to overlook certain parts, however, each area is critical. Below, we break each part down into different sections so ensure you tick off each box.

Job title

The job title will be what sets you apart from the competition and attract candidates that are more suited to your offering. You need to get this right. Using unique or creative titles might be something you’ve considered; however, this can be detrimental.

Keeping your job title-specific and using more recognisable keywords will be your best option. Job hunters will be using these keywords, so when you leave them out, it can be harder to find your post. Keep it simple, use what position you’re looking for.

Location and salary

Next up, just below the job title will be the location and salary information. It isn’t a requirement; however, it can be an effective method of finding the right people. Leaving this detail out may result in individuals applying, despite not meeting the working patterns.

You may also end up speaking with the perfect applicant, meanwhile, they Arne interested further down the line due to the salary not being in their expectations. So, make it clear from the beginning. You may even boost your chances of appearing in Google’s job search index.

Introduction to the job

The introduction will be a few key sentences that highlight the main points of the role you’re advertising for. There will be chances to go into more detail later, so for now, keep it brief.

Utilise keywords here, helping applications understand immediately whether or not this role is for them. Also, include what industry you are in, as well as some important skills you are looking for. This helps to clarify exactly who you are looking for.

Objectives of the role

Once you have created an introduction to the role, you’ll now want to start giving an overview of the goals and objectives the candidate will be meeting. Similar to the introduction, this doesn’t need to be an essay, with a few sentences being plenty.

This is a great way to give a better understanding of what role the employee will play in your company, as well as the contributions they will make. This should be tailored to your business, showing the direction it is taking.

Responsibilities and duties

Now let’s think about the main responsibilities of the role. It is important to include an outline of the duties and tasks the employee will be doing. We recommend breaking this into bullet points, making it easy to digest.

Of course, you want to be honest about the role, giving full expectations of the tasks required, however, try your best to make it sound interesting and fun. This is a great opportunity to showcase what exactly the position is.


So, when we look at requirements, we can separate this into different parts, all depending on the type of role. We also recommend using bullet points for this. Firstly, you want to include what qualifications are required, such as specific certificates, degrees or A-Levels.

Then, you want to specify whether these are advantageous skills, or simply needed. This will then filter out applicants that are suited to this job. You will also want to outline what soft skills or personality traits wanted. Here, you would also add what amount of experience you are looking for.

About your company

Now, you should remember to include why your company is a great place to work. This is the opportunity to discuss any benefits or perks that would be received when working for your company.

In today’s age, workplace perks are important, so always remember to add these into your job advertisement. This should include the basic perks, but also little benefits like free fruit on a Monday or mental health workshops.

Next steps

Finally, the applicant has read over the description and has decided to apply. Without any information about where to apply, then they will be lost. Many job boards have an ‘apply now’ button, so remember to state this to the candidate.

Otherwise, you may want to include contact information, or a method for candidates to reach out if they have any questions. Also, this is the time to ask for a cover letter, or for applicants to submit any specific information that you would like to know.

How To Make A Job Advert Stand Out

Okay, so we now know how to create a job advert. That is the first step. However, now you have to compete with hundreds of other companies fighting for employees. So, how do you make yours stand out from the rest? The table below will help get you started.

PersonalisationYou should already have an understanding of the type of person you’re trying to hire. So, this is a chance to personalise your advert towards those sorts of people.

This can be done through using technical language, thinking about what they would want from this role as well as asking questions that are directed at them.
If you are unsure about who you’d like to hire, then think about people at your current workplace and what they are like. You want to attach people that will suit your work environment, so speak to your staff and ask them for their opinions.
Company valuesValues and morals can go a long way in the eyes of the applicant. Giving them an overview will let them know your company cares, making them more likely to apply.
This can be highlighting green credentials or work in the community that you do. Be sure to shout about the great things that you do, making your company look fantastic.
This will boost your brand, therefore making it more attractive for potential applicants. Of course, you need to be doing these things first, so this can also be an insight into ways to improve your brand.
It has to be easy to readJob seekers don’t spend long reading adverts. With so many to apply for, they want to be as efficient as possible. So, you need to make sure that yours is easy to read, making the chance of skipping lower.
Adverts that are huge paragraphs are hard to read and work out. So, it is vital to break up the page with either paragraphs or bullet points. It should be easy for the reader to navigate.
This will also help to avoid people applying when they’re not in the slightest bit relevant to the role. Always get a second opinion from someone else, just to check it is easy to understand and engaging.
Be creativeWe know how competitive the job market is, so this could be an opportunity to try and stand out from the crowd. Being creative is a fun way to attract more applicants.
For example, if you’re currently hiring someone who works with computer code, then you could use coding language for certain parts.
If you’re recruiting a chef, how about making the advert look like a menu? These are just simple ways to help your company stand out from the rest. Just be sure to make it understandable and not defeat the whole point of the application.

Should I Avoid Putting On A Job Advert?

We now know what to include in your job advert, but what exactly should you avoid? Well, many candidates can be put off applying when the advert isn’t professional. Let’s take a look.

Missing out key details

By simply adding the basic information at the top of your post, you’ll rank higher and boost your Google presence. Details such as the job title, salary and location are all key parts of the role.

Having no structure

As mentioned earlier, having one big piece of text, almost like a novel can be hard to read. Often, candidates will be put off trying to apply. Instead, use smaller paragraphs and utilise bullet points to make it clear what you are looking for.

Using unnecessary jargon

Yes, using some technical terms may help to find the perfect applicant, however, if you litter your post with jargon, it could harm application rates. Only use these terms when necessary.

Spelling mistakes

A reg flag for many candidates will be basic spelling and grammar mistakes. It can make your whole brand look unprofessional. If an application had errors, you’d be quick to judge, so ensure to have the post double-checked.