Student Loans

Student Loans

Did you know that roughly 66% of graduates have taken student loans?

£17 billion every year is racked up by student loans, but there are so many questions that are commonly neglected. Many people don’t know where to start, how to apply or contact the relevant department.

If you are one of those people, don’t worry, this guide will help to answer all your questions. So, let’s get educated.

How Do I Apply For A Student Loan In The UK?

Firstly, you need to see if you are eligible. This can depend on the following factors:

  • Selected university or college
  • Selected course
  • Higher education study experience
  • Age
  • Nationality or residency status

Next, you need to apply for student finance. We have created this table below to help decide which option you need to take, depending on your current circumstances. There is a handy page on the UK Government website that can break it down further.

New students from EnglandContinuing students from EnglandNew EU studentsContinuing EU students
Create a student finance online account.Log in to your student finance account and apply online.Log in to your student finance account and apply online.For tuition fee support applications and help with living costs, apply online.
Log in, then complete the application online.Send a letter that explains your study suspension with supporting evidence.For tuition fee support applications, send by post.For tuition fee support only, application forms will be sent to you and should be returned by post.
If needed, include your household income.

If needed, provide proof of identity.

How Do I Contact For Student Loans Help?

For help with your student finance, you can log in to your Student Finance account. Here, you can do the following:

  • Track your applications.
  • Check when and how much you’ll be paid.
  • Change your personal details.
  • Change your course details.
  • Reset your account password.

For more help and contact details, you can use the following information:

Post collection points only.

Student Finance England
Twitter: @SF_England
Facebook: @SFEngland
Telephone: 0300 100 0607

Text relay (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0300 100 0607

Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm

Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 4pm

Find out about call charges

Student Finance England

PO Box 210
Darlington DL1 9HJ

Can You Be Refused A UK Student Loan?

Understandably, the process of applying for a student loan can be overwhelming and stressful. Many factors will determine if funds can be offered or not, including credit history, residency status and others.

What Is The Household Income Limit For Student Finance?

Students that have household incomes of £25,000 or less will qualify for the maximum Maintenance Loan amount. For household incomes of more than £25,000, the Maintenance Loan will be assessed on a sliding scale.

Do I Need To Reapply For Student Finance Each Year?

Yes, you will need to apply for student finance for each year of your selected course. It is important to keep your details up to date throughout your studies as changes may impact your loan payments. Some examples include a change of bank details or household income.